
Industry Forum
Learning by experiencing is always better than learning by listening. In order to make the students aware of the practices followed in the industry. To relate the theory that they learn in class with its industry application, Industrial Visits Forum was started in the year 2004 to arrange for industrial visits and industry-institute interface. This forum arranges two industrial visits for every student in every semester and one industrial visit abroad every year.

In 2011 KLE CBA students visited Malaysia. Industrial visits forum has also arranged to invite various eminent persons from the industry to interact with students fortnightly. In 2015-16 an industrial visit was organized for Nestle India for 5th Sem and KMF for the 2nd Sem students.

Wings To Mind Forum
KLE Society's College of Business Administration is introducing Wings to Mind an incubation centre for Entrepreneurship Development. "Wings to Mind Forum" is introduced to provide a platform for the students to understand the hidden entrepreneurial abilities that they possess and execute the same with confidence. Every well-known entrepreneur has started his/her journey when he/she was a student, be it Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Larry Ellison. KLE CBA through "Wings to Mind" is tying up with 8 different social entrepreneurship NGOs that work in different parts of the country addressing various concerns. Every student of KLE CBA will compulsorily get an opportunity to visit these NGO's which will develop a concern in students for society.

Sports Forum
During the year 2014-2015, the sports forum has actively organized successful events. Standing true to the belief, that Sports provide the much-needed respite from a hectic academic schedule. The sports forum has been actively organizing events for the students, keeping in mind their interests and talent. Events such as Tug of War, Striker, Lagori, Cricket and indoor games like carom, chess were organized. The annual cricket tournament Hit Wicket was organized with much enthusiasm. Hit Wicket is a cricketing tournament with a managerial twist, which gave students exposure to the brilliance behind cricket, management, advertising and various aspects of the sports these days.

Cultural Forum

A really great talent finds its happiness in execution...! The cultural forum provides a platform for the students to exhibit their talent, the basic idea with which the forum was installed. The forum organizes various competitions in the field of dance, acting, painting, singing, fashion and many more. 2015 witnessed two successful events namely "Nrutya" the dance competition and also organized Sargam-E-Azadi a singing competition for the colleges in Hubli-Dharwad for the very first time. Apart from this the forum also organized events like Gangsters day, Twin's day, Hip-Hop day etc, Freedom fighters day on October 2nd, 2015.

The cultural forum serves two-fold purposes. Firstly, provides a platform for the students to exhibit their talent and secondly helps them sit back and relax from their busy academic schedule.

Ladies Forum
A woman is a complete circle, with her is the power to create, nurture and transform. We at KLE'S CBA believe in empowering women. This is made possible by providing them with a platform by installing the ladies’ forum which serves the twin purposes. Firstly, it helps them exhibit their creativity and also enriches their organizing skills by hosting various events like Mehendi competition, rangoli, Diya Making and cooking competition etc. The forum here is with a little difference, as it also tries to overcome the myth that the above-said skills are a cup of tea only for the womenfolk. Hence, the forum activities are kept open for the male students also and the forum has witnessed overwhelming responses. The event that highlighted the ladies’ forum this year was the "Mom's Day-Out", that was arranged for all the mother of KLE's CBA.

Elite Forum
Winning by chance is luck, winning by design is efficiency. The management fest forum aims at creating competitors with the skill sets to win against a formidable opponent rather than the win against weak opposition. The forum has constantly been changing the way students are trained to participate and win in the fests. The Fest Forum encourages the winning spirit and celebrates the same.

Students attended fests conducted all over India. The students have participated in over twenty fests in the year 2014-2015. They have won General Championships and 25 individual prizes for their outstanding performances in events of Finance, Marketing Human Resource, Best Manager & Quiz. This year students visited Belgaum, Bangalore, Mangalore, Manipal, Bhatkal, Hubballi and few others.


CSR Forum
Winning by chance is luck, winning by design is efficiency. The management fest forum aims at creating competitors with the skill sets to win against a formidable opponent rather than the win against weak opposition. The forum has constantly been changing the way students are trained to participate and win in the fests. The Fest Forum encourages the winning spirit and celebrates the same.

Students attended fests conducted all over India. The students have participated in over twenty fests in the year 2014-2015. They have won General Championships and 25 individual prizes for their outstanding performances in events of Finance, Marketing Human Resource, Best Manager & Quiz. This year students visited Belgaum, Bangalore, Mangalore, Manipal, Bhatkal, Hubballi and few others.

CBA Creations
Information Technology plays an important role in the 21st century right from developing software and inducting this advanced technology in the business world. Basically, IT deals with the application of computers and telecommunication equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprises. Over a long period of time, our college has trained and developed students specifically in the IT department so that they exhibit their creativity and talents in various events.

Over a period of time since the inception of the college, the students of KLE CBA were showing keen interest in computers and were involved in many designing activities including the making of flash presentations, brochures, banners to name a few. With this, there came the birth of CBA creations. Ever since then a group of highly techie genius are elected through various stages to be a part of CBA creations.

CBA creation has grown over a period of time and now it's created its own brand. KLE CBA is known to have created a benchmark in twin cities for the class events that are organized by the students. But, no event is successful without the involvement of the CBA Creations. They are known for excellent banners and amazing video making skills. They have been successful in creating the best advisement of all the events on the internet. Now, CBA Creations is at its peak of creating the best videos and banners and is taking the internet by storm. They are solely responsible for managing the multimedia of the college.

Ambience Forum
Ambience forum was constituted for the first time ever at KLES CBA in the academic year 2015-2016. It offers a backup to all portfolios in beautifying the campus during various events.

Visual appeal plays a major role in attracting the audience and that is what the Ambience portfolio does. The forum ensures that the campus looks beautiful and creates colourful ambience for everyone. It provides a facelift to the campus as well as the proposed events.